Friday, July 27, 2012


On Jan 2, 2012 I embarked on a life changing journey. I decided to "get healthy". I was miserably overweight (a size 24), constantly exhausted, emotionally drained, and ready for a change. My life had become a string of fast food meals, interspersed with delightful, fattening home cooking.

Since Jan 2, I have lost 70 lbs. My husband joined me on the journey in March and has since lost 60 lbs. We still have some weight to lose (30 lbs for him, at least 50 for me), but we are on our way.

We have been major "foodies" for a long time. We have planned entire trips around food. We love to cook and we love good food. We have learned to replace our fattening, calorie laden choices with healthy, sensible ones, without sacrificing taste.

We can thank Advocare for this change in our life. We have been taking the supplements along with our healthy eating and know without a shadow of a doubt that we would have never accomplished all of this without Advocare.

On this blog, I hope to share recipes (ones we create and ones we discover online) as well as healthy eating suggestions and substitutions.

Welcome, I hope that this blog will be a blessing to you and will help you on your journey!

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