Sunday, July 29, 2012

Southwest Turkey Burgers

One of my very favorite food blogs is The Shrinking Kitchen. There are some KILLER recipes on there and she does a menu plan every week, with a grocery list. What more could a busy mom as for? Last night, I made her Southwest Turkey Burgers. Even my picky eater devoured them! They were SO easy and SO delicous. I'm not sure what blog etiquette is for posting someone else's recipe, so I'm just going to link to the recipe.

I served ours on whole wheat buns with fresh butter lettuce and tomatoes from Mom & Dad's garden and red onion. We had baked sweet potato fries on the side. It was a very nutritous and delicous meal (though we should have had another fruit or veggie on the side, but I was tired).

Here is a terrible picture of my burger. A food photographer, I'm not. But, I will actually use a real camera in the future, not my iPhone :)

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